Unhappy with the way your St. Augustine lawn is looking? You’re not alone. St. Augustine sod is the single most popular grass choice for residential and commercial lawns in Palm Beach County, Florida and is even a requirement for some HOAs and cities. Its natural resistance to saltwater and high tolerance against heat and humidity make this warm weather turf grass a perfect choice for South Florida. St. Augustine grass is unsuitable for areas where temperatures are regularly below 55 degrees. Below this temperature your St. Augustine sod grass goes dormant and stops growing. It may even appear to look dead. But as long as the temperature is the only factor in play, it should return once the weather warms up.
There are several primary types of St. Augustine sod grass that include: Floratam, Palmetto, Bitterblue, CitraBlue, ProVista and Seville. If sugarcane mosaic virus is a concern to you, then you should avoid Floratam and put the Bitterblue and Palmetto types at the top of your list for new St. Augustine sod. The State of Florida suggests using Palmetto type St. Augustine sod.
Unfortunately over fertilization, fungi, drought, weeds, chinch bugs and other pests can turn your Palm Beach County St. Augustine sod grass lawn into an unsightly mess. But there is hope.
Rejuvenating Your St. Augustine Grass Lawn
- Have Your Soil Tested First – The only way to properly understand what nutrients are lacking in your soil is to perform a soil test. In South Florida, it is generally recommended to have soil with a neutral pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Soil tests can also detect diseases that can’t be determined by the naked eye
- Have a Soil Amendment Done if Needed – A soil amendment is anything added to your soil to improve its condition, whether it be nutritional content, pH levels or draining ability.
- Dethatch St. Augustine Sod Grass – Dethatching can aid in proper drainage that preventing water from pooling which leads to fungal growth and disease that can be devastating to you St. Augustine lawn. Dethatching can also allow pesticides to get down to where they are most effective at the soil level
- Make Sure Lawn Pests are Not the Problem – Palm Beach County is home to many lawn pests that can damage your St. Augustine grass including chinch bugs. Understanding which pest or pests is making a meal out of your St. Augustine lawn is the first step in determining what action to take.
- Proper Weed Control – Use the correct pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides to control unsightly weeds from overtaking your South Florida St. Augustine lawn.
- Proper Irrigation – Make sure your St. Augustine lawn is receiving the proper amount of irrigation. St. Augustine sod grass is not drought tolerant
The best way to maintain a healthy St. Augustine lawn in Palm Beach County is with regularly scheduled lawn treatment service that includes fertilization, weed control and pest control. Ensure your St. Augustine sod grass is receiving the proper irrigation and lawn maintenance along with these essentials and you should be enjoying a beautiful, lush, green St. Augustine lawn year-round.
Why not leave your lawn treatment problems to the professionals. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your St. Augustine lawn looking great with complete professional lawn fertilization and pest control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
Eco-Friendly and Pet Safe Lawn Fertilization & Pesticide Products Available
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
West Palm Beach Crabgrass Weed Control & Prevention
Crabgrass is in the grassy weed family and thrives in Palm Beach County because of the year-round warm climate. And to make matters worse, it is extremely difficult to kill adult crabgrass weeds because most herbicides that eradicate it will also harm St. Augustine sod grass and many other South Florida turfgrasses. But you will have good luck preventing crabgrass weeds using the proper pre-emergent herbicide. This product works extremely well on preventing future outbreaks of crabgrass, but unfortunately does not kill existing adult crabgrass weeds. It is usually best to apply pre-emergent herbicides to your West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter and Wellington commercial or residential property lawn in late December to early February.
Pre-emergent Herbicide Products are the Best Prevention for West Palm Beach Crabgrass Weeds
Crabgrass will compete with your St. Augustine sod for nutrients and water, so once again the healthier and thicker your lawn is, the harder it is for crabgrass weeds to take root in the first place. Professional fertilization service and pest control combined with weed control is the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn in Palm Beach County.
Why not leave your crabgrass weed problems to a professional. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
How to Get Rid of Chickweed in South Florida
Chickweed, scientifically known as Stellaria media, is a common broadleaf weed in South Florida that if not eradicated can damage your lawn. Chickweed has the distinction of being one of the most widespread weeds in the world. Left alone, chickweed will branch out and form dense, close-to-the-ground, carpets of the noxious weed. If possible, it is best to remove chickweed before it flowers and spreads its seeds into the wind to cause more infestation. It is easily removed by hand in small, affected areas, but once it has spread to large areas an herbicide will probably need to applied. As with most weeds, when removing chickweed by hand try to remove the entire root or regrowth is only a matter of time.
A proper pre-emergent herbicide is the best way to control future chickweed infestations in your West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington or Jupiter lawn. A pre-emergent herbicide will reduce the number of seeds that can grow into future chickweed.
Pre-emergent Herbicides are the Best Prevention for Chickweed in South Florida
Using Roundup® will kill just about everything green, so be careful when using this product as it will damage your lawn and ornamental landscaping plants as well.
Chickweed, like other weeds, will compete with your lawn’s sod grass for nutrients and irrigation, so once again the healthier and thicker your lawn is, the harder it is for chickweed to take root in the first place. Professional fertilization service and pest control combined with weed control is the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn in Palm Beach County.
Why not leave your chickweed problems to the professionals. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
Bull Thistle Weed Control & Prevention in South Florida
The noxious bull thistle is a broadleaf weed in the Asteraceae family and is easily recognizable by their bright pink or purple flowers that are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter that usually bloom in early June and are present until fall. The underside of the flower is lined with protective spines. Bull thistle is also known as a common thistle, roadside thistle or plumed thistle. Bull thistle weeds thrive in soils rich in nitrogen and require only moderate moisture. Just one bull thistle weed is capable of producing over 4,000 seeds, which obviously will turn into future adult weeds next year. These unwanted pests are common in pastures and roadsides, but do end up in many Palm Beach County lawns.
Small infestations of bull thistle can usually be manually pulled, but make sure and get the entire root. Widespread infestations of bull thistle weed can be controlled with a post emergent herbicide application, but many of these products will also kill your sod grass and ornamental landscaping so try to spot spray only the weeds themselves.
Spot-Spraying Using a Broad-Leaf Herbicide Labeled for Thistle is the Best Remedy For Bull Thistle Weeds in South Florida
Roundup® is a herbicide product that will kill just about everything green, so be careful when using this product to kill bull thistle as it will damage your lawn and ornamental landscaping plants as well.
Just like other weeds, bull thistle will compete with your desired sod grass for nutrients and water. So once again the healthier and thicker your lawn is, the harder it is for bull thistle weeds to take root in the first place. Professional fertilization service and pest control combined with weed control is the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn in Palm Beach County.
Why not leave your bull thistle weed problems to the professionals. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
What is the Weed They Call Florida Snow?
South Florida is where a lot of people go to escape the cold winters and snow up North, but we are home to a white, flowering, fluffy weed called Florida pusley. Scientifically known as Richardia scabra, this common Palm Beach County weed is what locals refer to as Florida snow. Florida pusley is one of the most common and tenacious weeds in South Florida and can rapidly take over bare spots in your Palm Beach County lawn. Ironically Florida pusley blooms the heaviest during some of the coldest months in South Florida.
Florida Pusley is the Weed They Call Florida Snow
Pre-emergent herbicides are the best way to control future Florida pusley outbreaks in your West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington or Jupiter lawn. The proper pre-emergent herbicide will reduce the number of seeds that grow into future adult weeds. You can probably use the same pre-emergent herbicide as you do for dandelions because they are both in the same broadleaf weed family.
Why not leave your Florida pusley weed problems to the professionals. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
How to Keep St. Augustine Grass Looking Good in South Florida?
One of the most common sod grasses for South Florida lawns is St. Augustine grass, scientifically known as Stenotaphrum secundatum. St. Augustine grass is a warm weather grass that is popular in our area because of its natural resistance to saltwater and high tolerance against heat and humidity. The most common varieties of St. Augustine sod grass include: Floratam, Palmetto, Bitterblue, CitraBlue, ProVista and Seville with each having their own benefits and drawbacks. If sugarcane mosaic virus is a concern to you The State of Florida suggests using Palmetto type St. Augustine sod. St. Augustine turf grasses spread via stolons and create lush, dense mats that help push out noxious weed infestations. But St. Augustine lawns aren’t immune from problems and keeping it looking its best requires a little TLC.
Before beginning any treatment plans for your Palm Beach County St. Augustine lawn, get a soil test. St. Augustine sod grass needs the proper nutrients and drainage to truly thrive and it doesn’t do well in highly compacted soil. Check your soils pH level. Ideally this should range between 5.0 and 7.5. If your soil doesn’t meet these requirements and you still want to grown St. Augustine grass, a soil amendment may be required.
After you know your soil is a good match for St. Augustine sod grass, it is matter of proper sunlight, fertilization, irrigation and pest control to keep it looking its best. St. Augustine sod grass is not drought tolerant, but too much irrigation can lead to different types of lawn fungus.
St. Augustine Grass Tips in South Florida
- St. Augustine sod grass thrives in the hot sun of Palm Beach County and the parts of your lawn under shade will not be as prosperous as full sun areas.
- To encourage deep root growth your St. Augustine lawn should be watered deeply for fewer days rather than lightly everyday.
- Irrigate your St. Augustine lawn in the morning instead of the night to aid in proper evaporation and avoid pooling water
- Fertilize St. Augustine grass with slow-release nitrogen rich fertilizers
- Keep an eye out for destructive lawn pests like the southern chinch bug
Why not leave your St. Augustine lawn treatment to a professional. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your South Florida lawn looking great with complete professional lawn fertilization, pest control and weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
How to Get Rid of Spurge Weeds in South Florida
Spurge weeds flourish in Palm Beach County and are one of the most common nuisance weeds in South Florida. Spurge weed seeds are dispersed to more areas of your lawn and landscaping by birds, wind and lawn care equipment such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Most post-emergent herbicides that work well on broadleaf weeds will work well on spurge weeds. But herbicides like RoundUp® will also kill just about anything green, so unless you don’t mind killing your sod grass and plants too be careful with this and other similar products.
Common Spurge Weeds in Palm Beach County Include:
- Spotted Spurge
- Creeping Spurge
- Prostrate Spurge (Also Known as Ground Spurge Weed)
Spurge weeds need sunlight for the seeds to grow, so a thick layer of quality mulch can be beneficial in keeping these pests out of your landscape and flower beds. Pulling spurge weeds by hand is an option if the infestation is not too large, but a good pre-emergent herbicide is the best way to keep spurge weeds from multiplying in your lawn and growing into adult weeds.
Pre-emergent Herbicides are the Best Prevention for Spurge Weeds in South Florida
Spurge weeds compete with your lawn’s sod grass for nutrients and irrigation, so once again the healthier and thicker your lawn is, the harder it is for spurge weeds to take root in the first place. Professional fertilization service and pest control combined with weed control is the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn in Palm Beach County.
Why not leave your spurge weed problems to the professionals. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.
Will a Healthy Lawn Push Out Weeds?
Absolutely! The healthier and stronger your South Florida lawn is, the less likely you are to have problems with weeds. Weeds are just another name for any unwanted plant and other plants are going to compete for the same nutrients and water as your sod grass is. But a lush, thick lawn leaves little bare spots for weeds to get a toe hold in your lawn. The less bare spots your lawn has, the fewer weed seeds will have a chance to germinate and become adult weeds.
Professional Lawn Treatment Including Fertilization & Pest Control is the Best Way to Maintain a Healthy, Beautiful Lawn in Palm Beach County.
Because of the year-round warm climate, crabgrass and other weeds thrive in Palm Beach County. Weeds are much easier to prevent than they are to remove once they become mature, so look into using a proper pre-emergent herbicide. These product works extremely well on preventing future outbreaks of noxious weeds in your South Florida commercial or residential lawn.
Don’t Ignore Landscaping Beds
In landscaping areas that are not covered in sod grass like flower beds and around trees and ornamental shrubs, keep weeds from getting started with a deep layer of mulch. Proper mulching not only holds in moisture to help landscaping thrive, it reduces the amount of sunlight weeds need to survive.
Why not leave your weed problems to a professional. Our locally owned and operated company can keep your lawn looking great with complete professional weed control service. We have been treating West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Jupiter, Florida residential and commercial lawns for decades and have the experience to get the job done right.
We offer natural, environmentally friendly and pet friendly lawn weed control products as an option to our clients. Our experienced technicians can discuss your concerns and the options available to you.